Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bittersweet Transition

Today was the last day of watching my two cousins - the entire summer we have spent laughing, swimming, biking, baking, drawing, coloring, watching, and at times, crying. These girls are so much younger than I yet they teach me so much. I used to think I was patient, and that not many things could get under my skin - WRONG! I have grown to be more patient than I was and now less things get under my skin. I learned to stop guiding and disciplining them based entirely on how I was led and punished (I always said I wouldn't be my parents, but as most know, that always comes full circle). However, these girls were unpredictable and I taught myself to let them be themselves. If they wanted to do something that I knew would turn out badly (within reason), I let myself let them do it. It may have ended in tears, but then that way they were teaching themselves rather than having me tell them what to do.

Now the summer is over and school starts again in 3 days. I am so excited to expand my learning in the psychology field yet I am sad summer is over. I have been so blessed to have a wonderful summer filled with family and friends - moving back to school where those that I know aren't near me is difficult, but I also love experiencing new territory. I hope to continue this blog, but I am not a very habitual person - I am doing my best though! Well maybe that isn't true, I could probably try harder, but this isn't really my first priority. Not that I don't love writing here. I love the idea that my words are seen my eyes unknown. Even if they aren't, I am able to easily imagine that I have thousands of viewers that laugh at my corny jokes or ache when I ache. I know it is far-fetched, but imagining this reminds me that I am still able to create scenarios and that is really where I'd like my writing to progress to. Stories of love, death, birth, religion, and other deep emotional aspects of humanity.

Well I think I've rambled enough. Once again, I'll miss these girls but I'm ready for something new - plus, I will see them over breaks and probably be watching them next summer.

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